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Class-8 Computer (Ch-9)

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Class-8 Computer 

Chapter -9 Cyber Ethics 

Note:- There is no need to write hardword. 

Q.A   Answer the following questions

1. What is copyright ?

Ans:- a copyright is legal rights granted by the law to the creator for his original work.

(Note:- Make given pictures after the question)

2.  What do you understand by Patent? 

Ans:- Patent is right, relating to the new invention that grants the inventor the sole right to make, use ,and sell the invention for a specific period of time. 

Q.3 Why do we have to take Trademark ™️ ? 

Ans:- We have to take trademark because trademark protect your brand name ,logo, packaging ,etc that identify the product of one manufacturer from that of the other's.

Q.4 What is Defamation ? 

Ans:- Defamation is defined as a communication that intends to harm  the reputation of a person, business, religion, or nation.

B. Answer the following questions.

Q.1 What is Computer Ethics? List any four ethical guidelines.

Ans:-  computer Ethics:- It is a set of moral principles that governs the behaviour of a group or an individual.

 Four common ethical guidelines that should be followed while using a computer are:- 

1. Do not use computer technology to cause disruption or interference in other user's work.

2. Do not spy on another person's computer data.

3. Do not use computer technology to steal information.

4. Do not contribute to the spread of wrong information using computer technology.

Q.2 Define plagiarism. What steps can be taken to prevent it

  Ans:-  Plagiarism:- Plagiarism is the usage or imitation of the language and thoughts of another person projected as one's own original work. It is considered a crime or fraudulent act.

Steps to Prevent Plagiarism

1. All sources are neither accurate nor do they validate the information as accurate

2. To avoid plagiarism, one can rephrase the material.

3. Use quotation marks around all the quoted words of another person to avoid plagiarism.


Q.3  What is Intellectual Property Rights(IPR)? How can you protect the IPR from getting violated?

Ans:-  Intellectual Property Rights:-  Intellectual Property is a term that refers to the legal property rights of a person over his/ creations of mind, both artistic and commercial.

Steps to protect intellectual property rights:-

1. prevention Your Inventions 

2. copyright ©️ your art and publication

3. Register your trademark ™️ 

Q.4 Write Shorts Note On :- 

a) Spamming:- Spams are unwanted bulk emails that come from unknown sources. They are generally sent-in-large numbers for commercial advertising.

Note:- Make Diagram of  Spamming (page-137)

b) Cracker:- Crackers are technical people, who are experts in breaking into systems, to steal important data, such as financial detalls, or passwords,etc.

c) Hacking:- Hacking refers to an illegal intrusion into a computer system or network. Hackers are highly technical people who secretly break into computers to steal important data or sometimes to destroy it.

d) Software Piracy:- When software is copied and distributed illegally, it is called software piracy.

e) Digital Footprint:- Digital footprint is an impression or information about a person that exists on the Internet because of his online activity

Note:- Next chapter-10 will be uploaded on 20 January. 

Chapter:-8  Click Me

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