G.K Event:-22
Information of our Galaxy
Q.1 How many days Jupiter planet take to round of Sun ?
Ans:- 4,333 Days to take a round of Sun.
Q.2 Name the planet which has 14 moons?
Ans:- Neptune.
Q.3 Which planet has 83 Moons ?
Ans:- Saturn ( 63 confirmed but 20 is not confirmed).
Q.4 Sun is made of which gas ?
Ans:- Hydrogen and Helium.
Q.5 Name the all planet of our solar system.
Ans:- Mercury( बुध ) , Venus ( शुक्र) , Earth( पृथ्वी) , Mars( मंगल) , Jupiter( ब्रहस्पति) , Saturn( शनि) , Uranus( अरुण ) , Neptune ( वरुण) & Pluto ( यम) .
Q.6 Which is the hottest planet ?
Ans:- Venus**
Q.7 Which planet is known as Watery Planet ?
Ans:- The Earth .
Q.8 Which planet takes minimum days to complete round of Sun ?
Ans:- Mercury (88 Days)
Q.9. which is the coolest planet in our solar system?
Ans:- Neptune
Q.10 Which Planet was declared as drawf( बौना )planet ?
Ans:- Pluto
Q.11 Which Planet is known as sister or twin of Earth?
Ans:- Venus
**(don't write ✍️ in copy)
Fact :- 1. IAU( International Astronomical Union) declared drwaf planet like - Ceres ,Eris ,Pluto etc.
Fact :- 2. Mercury should be a hot planet, but it is not so, due to the proximity of the Sun, the atmosphere effect of Mercury ends. So Venus is the hottest planet of our galaxy.
Fact :-3. Planet Jupiter is really hot in side because it is gas Giant.
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